Monday, July 2, 2007

Kourion and Paphos

Why have the Mediterranean behind the stage? So that when the whole town was gathered for a play, they could see invading forces!

Most of Cyprus looks like the above.

Ah, free banana shots... I have to say, they looked a lot more appetizing in the moment than they do as I look at this picture. They tasted like little runts candies!

Niyati enjoys the most delicious dessert in all the land. I wish I could take nonblurry pictures after drinking wine.
How did this manage to come out so eery!

Beverages should never look like this. No!

And then I had this conversation with this British girl (she must have been drinking from those fishbowls too). You have to imagine a drunk screaming trashy British accent to get the correct effect:
"You're Americans!! Oh my god, do you know, what's the name of that British girl that Ross married! You know, on Friends!"
Why do I have to know these things? "Emily."
"EMILY!!! YES, EMILY!! Oh my god, Americans always tell me I sound like Emily!! You don't think I sound like Emily! Do I!?!"
Her friend enters: "OH MY GOD, you know EMILY!! From Friends!! The girl Ross married!! We don't sound anything like her, DO WE?"

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