Thursday, June 21, 2007


Tuesday: Sitting in class, listening attentively, and all of a sudden the corridor outside is filled with a noisy gaggle of people. I can see a bunch of heads through the door window, and it was so distracting that my teacher went out to see what was going on. He comes back about twenty seconds later and says "this is really weird, guys...they're giving away iced tea. I'm going to go see if I can get us some!" After a minute he reenters with three people dressed in this weird imitation nurse garb (the length of the girl's dress would have fit in nicely on the set of the original Star Trek), each bearing trays, styrofoam cups, and boxes of peach iced tea. They pour us all cups and hand us flyers for the contest to win a six-month supply of Kean Iced Tea.

My teacher looks at Jason and me the minute they leave the room: "You don't get that in Richmond much, do you?" No, we really don't, and that's a shame.

The contest: "Simply telephone our automated hotline and record a message, telling us who you would most like to be refreshed with and why?"
Oh, wow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whatever, bet you can't get Sweet Ice Tea.
..I'm just trying to hide my jealousy.